Issue #6: Council shakeup; All-District awards; Southside Project

Issue #5

Smithville Texas News


The Smithville City Council will have a new look beginning in May after Place 2 Council Member Tom Etheredge opted to not run for re-election.

Etheredge has served as the Place 2 representative since 2021 and ran for mayor twice, losing by less than 50 votes each time. Learn why he decided to forgo a third term, and see who is running for his seat in our latest article.

On Tuesday afternoon Cale Lammerts filed and was certified to be a write-in candidate for Place 2. His name will not appear on the ballot, but there will be a line for write-ins. Only certified names will count as write-in votes.

The only contested race on May’s ballot will be for Place 3. Read our article to find out who is challenging current Council Member Jimmy Jenkins after his first term.

Place 1 Council Member Tyrone Washington will run unopposed for his second term and will need one vote to be re-elected.

No candidates filed to run for the Smithville ISD School Board, so incumbents Josh Magden, Candice Parsons, and Michael Hancock will retain their seats for another three-year term.

Election Dates

April 3: Last day to register to vote

April 22: Early voting begins

Saturday, May 3: Election Day

What do you want to know about the candidates?

What issues do you want us to cover?

Email us at

Season Ending

The Smithville Lady Tigers basketball team lost a hard-fought second-round playoff game against Jarrell on Friday Night, 39-45.

It wasn’t the way the three seniors wanted to end their season. But their playoff run reignited the Lady Tiger basketball program and brought winning basketball back to Smithville.

We’ve got the season finale game recap here, including the video of the questionable call at the end of the game (it was CLEARLY tipped by Jarrell).

District Awards

Even though their season is over, four Lady Tigers picked-up a District 22-4A post-season award:

  • Junior Sydnie Brenner was overall District MVP
  • Senior Arabella Gutierrez made 1st Team All-District
  • Junior Ladonije Lewis made 1st Team All-District
  • Senior Chelsea Hendrix made 2nd Team All-District

Congrats ladies!

4th Avenue Traffic

Following impassioned public comments at the Feb. 10 City Council meeting regarding noise and safety issues from dump-trucks on 4th Avenue, the City took several steps to help mitigate resident’s concerns.

  • Limit hauling hours from 7a-5p
  • Speed limit for trucks is 25 mph
  • Smithville PD will increase patrol, dedicating 33% of their shift to 4th Ave.
  • Adding three temporary stop signs (see map)
  • Limit hauling route to Brush Dump Road
  • Increase signage and message boards

Smithville Chief of Police David Repka told the council at their Special Meeting on Friday that three citations had been issued.

The temporary measures are expected to be enforced for the next 2-3 weeks as the detention pond project on Loop 230 wraps up.

Southside Project

Come together and learn more about the Smithville Southside History Project and the City Historic Marker program at a special Kitchen Table Talk Preservation Workshop on Thursday.

Date: Thursday, February 20, 2025

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: Smithville Food Pantry | 301 Lee St., Smithville, TX 78957

Warm beverages and light refreshments will be provided!

From the Publisher:

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As we head into election season, I’m really excited to cover the two competitive races. I hope you guys will reach out and let me know what questions you have for the candidates so you can make the most informed decision when you head to the ballot box on May 3.

The first election I covered was in 2013 and I’ve since covered municipal elections in three other communities. I wanted to take this space to provide some guidance about how I approach covering elections.

I do not vote in any election I cover
The job of the press is to provide unbiased, truthful coverage. We ask hard questions and write articles that can sway voters. Those questions should come from a place of curiosity or the public, not from my personal preference.

I am a very civic-minded person and I do not like being unable to exercise my right to vote–particularly in the small town I live in, as their decisions will directly affect me. But I choose to take this drastic step because impartiality is that important to me.

I do not donate to candidates, political parties, PACs, ect.
To me, this isn't as bad as voting for someone you cover, because at least there is a public record of it. But it's a clear signal of who you want to win, and that's a no-no for me in election coverage.

Smithville Texas News does not endorse candidates
We do not have an editorial board, but even when we get one, we will never endorse a candidate.

We don’t currently have an opinion page, however, I wouldn’t be opposed to publishing a “why you should vote for me” column by each candidate, as long as each candidate submits something and it’s published in the same newsletter.

Equal coverage
I will do everything in my power to provide equal coverage of every candidate. That will, to a certain degree, be dependent upon the candidates and the number of events they choose to participate in or host.

If you feel like our coverage is one-sided or missing content from a candidate(s), please let me know! I value your input!

If you want more information about ethics and elections, the Society for Professional Journalists has this page from their ethics committee, and here is the SPJ Code of Ethics.

In the last few (non-Presidential) municipal elections voter turnout was 575-750 people and we currently have 2,746 people registered to vote in Smithville. Everyone should take this opportunity to make their expectations known by voting. Your vote is your voice. Use it wisely!

Looking forward to see what we can build together,


Kristen Meriwether


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